Diāna Apele
Good communication skills acquired while working as a RTA lecturer in professional master's, professional bachelor's, as well as first level higher professional education study programs and working as the director of the bachelor's study program "Interior Design", working in international and local projects, speaking at international and Latvian scientific conferences, participating in ERASMUS mobilities abroad (Lithuania, Estonia, Bulgaria, Italy, Spain, Turkey, etc.).
I organize lectures, seminars, master classes and practical classes, lead diploma projects and master's theses, internships for students and other interested people, organize international and local art and design exhibitions, professional competitions, organize creative activities at international conferences, participate in diploma project examination commissions in Latvia and abroad. I have run non-formal education courses. I work in RTA collegial decision-making institutions - I am a member of the Senate and the Satversme, a member of the Art Council of the study field. I am a member of the Latvian Designers' Union.
I am well acquainted with pedagogical technologies, subject teaching methodologies, interior design composition and interior stylistics, design, arrangement and ergonomics, graphic design and fashion design, visual art language and composition, design history and modern design development trends in Latvia and the world, etc.
In the last six years, 23 of my scientific publications (many with co-authors) have been published in both internationally cited databases (Thomson Reuters Web of Science, EBSCOhost) and other anonymously reviewed and internationally accessible scientific journals and journals. In six years I have spoken at conferences with presentations in Latvia and abroad (Latvia, Lithuania, Russia, Bulgaria, Spain, etc.).
Over the last six years I have participated in 14 local and international projects (Latvia, Lithuania, Belarus, Ireland and France).
During the last six years I have had 3 solo exhibitions of graphic art and I have participated in 40 group art and design exhibitions in Latvia and abroad (in Latvia - Rezekne Academy of Technology, Latgale Museum of Cultural History, Vilani Local History Museum, Daugavpils Mark Rothko Art Center, , Latgale Embassy GORS, Ludza Local History Museum, Vilaka Regional Museum, etc. Abroad - Kaunas (Lithuania), Pskov (Russia), Vitebsk (Belarus), Warsaw (Poland) etc.
My works of art have been published in 14 art catalogs in Latvia, Lithuania and Russia. I have organized 7 workshops in different types of visual art and design and I have participated in many myself. I have been an expert in various Latvian and foreign art and design activities - festivals, competitions and exhibitions. I have organized 42, many also arranged, art and design exhibitions for students and lecturers in Latvia.