Modeling and optimization in project planning & scheduling and project time optimization - Seminarium


Zapraszamy na seminarium Katedry Informatyki i Inżynierii Systemów na Wydziale Informatyki i Zarządzania Politechniki Wrocławskiej, Centrum Technik Informatycznych WIT, Zakładu Wspomagania Decyzji w Warunkach Ryzyka IBS PAN

W dniu 28 kwietnia (środa) o godzinie 13:15 odbędzie się wspólne seminarium Katedry Informatyki i Inżynierii Systemów na Wydziale Informatyki i Zarządzania Politechniki Wrocławskiej, Centrum Technik Informatycznych WIT, Zakładu Wspomagania Decyzji w Warunkach Ryzyka IBS PAN, na którym Shakib Zohrehvandi Centre for European Studies, Kharazmi University, Tehran, Iran przedstawi referat „Modeling and optimization in project planning & scheduling and project time optimization”.

Seminarium będzie przeprowadzone z wykorzystaniem platformy ZOOM [Link do spotkania]

Modeling and optimization in project planning & scheduling and project time optimization

Due to the fact that the schedules are not always optimal, and the projects will not always be completed in due time, an optimization approach based on critical chain method can often be used. An optimization method to increase the project schedule reliability is to create a buffer (safety time) using the critical chain method to deal with the schedule changes in the project. In fact, the project buffer is added at the end of the critical path which does not have a float, and in case there are delays in the critical path, it will be used.

There are few studies on the project buffer management using modeling optimizing methods. In the presentation, I will report on my researches aimed to fill this gap.

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Modeling and optimization in project planning & scheduling and project time optimization - Seminarium

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